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DTS Forums

Hook into updates to concepts
Last Post 21 Apr 2014 04:36 AM by jiraaya. 2 Replies.
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jiraayaUser is Offline
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16 Apr 2014 06:52 AM
    We are currently in the process of developing a system that maintains the health records of patients. A terminology registry with look ups is an important part of our system. We are exploring the possibility of using ApelonDTS as the implementation of the terminology registry. We are planning to integrate the various parts of our system through atom feeds. We might have to cache parts of the knowledge base at various locations. For the caching to work, we need a mechanism to listen to changes to the concept.

    We would like to know,

    1. Is there an existing mechanism through which I could hook into the updates to a concept and publish an event to the feed.
    2. If it s not possible, what is the mechanism you would suggest to implement the cache.


    If it is currently not possible to hook into updates and should you like to develop the hook, we could help out with the same.
    jbowieUser is Offline
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    17 Apr 2014 09:22 AM
    Currently, DTS provides a client-side "listener" mechanism by which an application, such as the DTS Editor, can receive notifications for a variety of update actions taken in the same application. This allows different panels in the Editor, for example, to refresh after concept modifications, etc.

    What you are describing, however, requires a server-based notification mechanism to support a broader subscribe/publish use case. This capability is on our roadmap and we would be interested in better understanding your requirements and/or discussing possible joint development activities. If you'd like to discuss further, drop a note to and we'll get back to you.
    jiraayaUser is Offline
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    21 Apr 2014 04:36 AM
    Yes, it looks like we would need a server side mechanism for the same. Will try to come up with some workflow diagrams that will help you better understand our requirements.

    In the mean time there are a couple of small improvements that I could do with the packaging (especially on linux) like correcting the paths to utility files. If you could point me to the code, I could make changes and send you a patch?
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    We are a privately held international software and informatics company focusing on data standardization and interoperability. Apelon’s software and professional services help leading healthcare enterprises, HIT vendors and integrators, life sciences organizations and government agencies better manage standard terminologies and transition local data to these standards. Our solutions enable semantic interoperability, consistent data analysis, and standardized reporting of health information to improve the quality, comparability, and accessibility of clinical data.

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